
Back to saturn x episode 2
Back to saturn x episode 2

back to saturn x episode 2

Not really a problem, but about one third of music tracks are more fit for a mexican soap opera than an action game. The language style used in the intertitles between the missions is really. Could you add some clear sign or an unique graphic pattern to the door textures, so they would stand out a little? Yes, I know there are lights next to each door, but you placed similar lights almost everywhere. Like somebody mentioned above, I had hard time distinguishing between door and a normal wall - they all look so alike.

back to saturn x episode 2

Needless to say, all that ammo makes the gameplay rather easy. In fact, I didn't have to use fists and chainsaw at all during the entire playthrough, even though I played at UV. Even in the later maps, my rocket count rarely got under 30 and cells under 200, with shells being near 100 almost constantly. At first, I thought that I'm supposed to have pistol start at each map, but there is nothing about that in the TXT file. I was practically drowning in ammo in most of the maps, especially in map03 thru map12. However, there are some minor things which could be polished, IMO: Ohhh, two great WADs in one week, first DTS-T and then this one! Man, the christmas really did come early this year.

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